Friday, October 31, 2014


I'm grateful for:
- Halloween
- That W wore his costume
- Trick or Treating at the mall
- House
- Food
- Job
- Met tax deadline at work
- Family
- The Savior
- The gospel
- My testimony
- My Laptop
- The Internet
- Chocolate
- Gyros
- Mitzy
- W

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


- Wyatt
- The Gospel
- The Savior
- A warm house
- Food to eat
- Spencer
- Cake
- Bread
- Cookies
- See's chocolate
- Kickboxing
- Diet Coke
- Good In-Laws
- My Mom
- Warehouse 13
- Diviinemodestee
- Puppies
- Mitzy
- The library

Sunday, October 5, 2014


I'm grateful for...
- S, W, and Mitzy
- A house
- The Savior
- The gospel
- General conference
- That I am a member of the Church
- That I have a testimony of the Church
- Food
- That Sam and B fed us such a yummy dinner
- That we had a relatively peaceful evening, despite the fact that it could have been really awkward.
- That Wyatt was so good today
- That we finished painting our house
- My laptp
- 3T PJs that Brittany gave us
- The Book of Mormon
- The Temple
- A reliable car
- My job
- S's job
- Found a halloween costume for W
- My Mom

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Feeling a little overwhelmed today, so I'm going to count my blessings to see if it helps me feel better.
I am grateful that...
- W slept last night
- Dean and Vangie are helping us paint.
- The paint is adhering so well to the siding
- We have food to eat
- We have a house
- Our family is healthy
- We have Mitzy
- It is conference weekend, even though I won't be able to watch a lot of it. (I know, I'm cheating by being negative, but I'm really disappointed about this.)
- I am a Mormon
- I have the Savior in my life
- I have a job
- S has a job

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


W (2 year old son) is screaming in his crib because he doesn't want to go to bed. I definitely need some gratitude therapy.
 I am grateful for...
- S (My husband.)
- W (My son.)
- Mitzy (My dog, currently sitting on my lap.)
- That we are all healthy.
- Our home.
- Food to eat.
- Being a member of the gospel.
- My gym pass
- My job
- S's job
- Microwave ovens
- A relatively fit body
- The Savior
- My mom
- My In-Laws
- Books
- Warehouse 13
- The Book of Mormon
- That it is conference weekend
- My computer
- Smartphones
- Walmart
- Costco
- Having a reliable car
- Not many spiders this fall
- Raspberries in our yard
- Cookies